康涅狄格在住房方面的“地方控制”增加了危机,因为有限制性的分区法。 Connecticut's "local control" in housing increases crisis due to restrictive zoning laws.
文章强调康涅狄格州“地方控制”的概念如何加剧了住房危机。 The article highlights how the concept of "local control" in Connecticut is exacerbating the housing crisis. 反对增加住房的人认为,地方政府应支配发展,但这导致限制性的分区法律限制住房供应和增加费用。 Opponents of increased housing argue that local governments should dictate development, but this leads to restrictive zoning laws that limit housing supply and drive up costs. 提交人敦促国家进行干预,克服这种抵制,并执行住房法,声称“地方控制”使问题永久化,而不是解决问题。 The author urges state intervention to overcome this resistance and implement housing laws, asserting that "local control" perpetuates the issue rather than solving it.