康涅狄格州面临越来越多的无家可归问题,四分之一的住房工人由于高租金而面临风险。 Connecticut faces rising homelessness, with one in four housing workers at risk due to high rents.
康涅狄格州无家可归问题倡导者对无家可归率,特别是家庭和老年居民的无家可归率不断上升敲响警钟,因为疫情后房租不断上涨。 Connecticut homelessness advocates are sounding the alarm over rising homelessness rates, especially among families and elderly residents, due to increasing rents after the pandemic. 最近的一项调查显示,将近四分之一的非盈利住房工人担心由于生活费用高昂而失去家园。 A recent survey shows that nearly one in four nonprofit housing workers fear losing their homes because of high living costs. 由康涅狄格结束无家可归联盟共同主办的立法圆桌会议强调了这一问题。 This issue was highlighted during a legislative roundtable co-sponsored by the Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness.