奥克兰护士担心Covid-19的传播,因为他们耗尽病假时间,影响病人的护理。 Auckland nurses worry about spreading Covid-19 as they exhaust sick leave, impacting patient care.
由于Covid-19担心在2023年8月一项支助计划结束后病假已耗尽,奥克兰护士对测试或请假犹豫不决。 Auckland nurses are hesitant to test for or take time off work due to Covid-19, fearing depletion of sick leave, after the end of a support scheme in August 2023. 随着最近病例激增,护士担心,在生病期间工作可能会进一步传播病毒,影响病人的护理。 With a recent surge in cases, nurses are concerned that working while sick could spread the virus further and affect patient care. Liandra Conradie护士敦促政府重新考虑对受病毒影响的卫生工作者的支持。 Nurse Liandra Conradie urges the government to reconsider support for health workers affected by the virus.