新西兰专家警告说,要对大流行病作出准备不足的反应,呼吁在预防方面发挥领导作用并增加投资。 New Zealand experts warn of unready pandemic response, calling for leadership and increased investment in prevention.
新西兰专家,包括David Murdoch教授和Ashley Bloomfield爵士警告说,新西兰没有为今后的流行病做好准备,强调需要在预防和应对方面进行大量投资。 New Zealand experts, including Prof. David Murdoch and Sir Ashley Bloomfield, warn that the country is unprepared for future pandemics, emphasizing the need for significant investment in prevention and response. 他们主张把流行病视为安全威胁,并建议总理部发挥领导作用。 They advocate treating pandemics as security threats and suggest leadership from the Prime Minister's Department. 一项调查显示,保健工作者对保护设备和准备工作不满意,突出说明迫切需要加强政策和基础设施。 A survey revealed dissatisfaction among healthcare workers regarding protective equipment and preparedness, highlighting urgent needs for policy and infrastructure enhancements.