奥克兰的护士因担心暂停安全人员配置方案会危及病人的安全而罢工。 Nurses in Auckland strike over concerns that pausing a safe staffing program could risk patient safety.
新西兰奥克兰的护士将于12月10日罢工四小时, 抗议Te Whatu Ora计划暂停安全人员配置计划的一个关键部分, Nurses in Auckland, New Zealand, will strike for four hours on December 10, protesting plans by Te Whatu Ora to pause a key part of their safe staffing program, which they say risks patient safety. 新西兰护士组织(NZNO)认为,安全的人员配备水平对于适当的患者护理至关重要。 The New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) argues that safe staffing levels are crucial for proper patient care. 卫生新西兰表示已为罢工做好准备, Health NZ says it has prepared for the strikes and remains committed to safe staffing, contradicting claims by NZNO.