Trump将公司税务游说者Ken Kies命名为财政部的关键角色,同时计划进一步减税。 Trump names corporate tax lobbyist Ken Kies to key Treasury role, amid plans for more tax cuts.
当选总统特朗普已任命肯·基斯为共和国税务游说者,代表大公司,担任财政部税务政策助理秘书。 President-elect Trump has named Ken Kies, a Republican tax lobbyist who represents major companies, as Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy at the Treasury Department. 这是因为特朗普的目的是延长现有的减税,并为公司制定新的减税措施,这可能会使赤字增加数万亿美元。 This comes as Trump aims to extend existing tax cuts and enact new ones for corporations, which could increase the deficit by trillions. 包括亿万富翁查尔斯·施瓦布(Charles Schwab)的孙女萨曼莎·施瓦布(Samantha Schwab)和副总参谋长科拉·阿尔维(Cora Alvi)。 Trump’s team also includes Samantha Schwab, granddaughter of billionaire Charles Schwab, and Cora Alvi as Deputy Chiefs of Staff. 如果不延长目前的减税措施,可能会提高家庭和小企业的税收。 Failure to extend current tax cuts could lead to higher taxes for households and small businesses.