当选总统特朗普任命凯文·哈塞特领导国家经济理事会。 President-elect Trump appoints Kevin Hassett to lead the National Economic Council.
当选总统唐纳德·特朗普将任命凯文·哈塞特担任全国经济委员会主席。 President-elect Donald Trump is set to appoint Kevin Hassett as the head of the National Economic Council. 哈塞特曾在特朗普第一任期间担任白宫经济顾问理事会主席,并于2020年短暂地重新加入白宫,在大流行病期间提供经济咨询。 Hassett previously served as the chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers during Trump's first term and briefly rejoined the White House in 2020 for economic advice during the pandemic. 国家经济委员会就经济政策(包括税收和贸易)向总统提供咨询。 The National Economic Council advises the president on economic policy, including taxes and trade.