前总统特朗普提名前议员比利·朗为新的国税局专员 Former President Trump nominates former congressman Billy Long as the new IRS commissioner.
前总统唐纳德·特朗普 提名比利·朗 前密苏里共和党议员 担任国税局下一任专员 Former President Donald Trump has nominated Billy Long, a former Missouri Republican congressman, to be the next commissioner of the IRS. Trump赞扬了Long在商业、房地产方面的背景,以及他在国会的两党声誉。 Trump praised Long's background in business, real estate, and his bipartisan reputation in Congress. 长期提名被视为一项旨在取代现任国税局专员Danny Werfel的努力,该专员由拜登总统任命。 Long's nomination is seen as an effort to replace current IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel, appointed by President Biden. 参议院必须确认Long的任命 The Senate must confirm Long's appointment.