在费城的Penn条约公园发现了被认为是成人遗骸的腿骨。 Leg bones believed to be adult human remains were found in Penn Treaty Park, Philadelphia.
人类遗骸,特别是腿骨,是在特拉华河沿岸费城渔业镇附近的佩恩条约公园发现的。 Human remains, specifically leg bones, were found at Penn Treaty Park in Philadelphia's Fishtown neighborhood along the Delaware River. 在星期天晚上发现的骨头 据信是成年人的 可能已经在水里待了很长时间 Discovered on Sunday night, the bones are believed to be from an adult and may have been in the water for a long time. 当局尚未确定该个人的性别或死因, 不清楚是否涉及犯罪。 Authorities have not determined the individual's sex or cause of death, and it's unclear if a crime is involved. 随着调查的继续进行,遗体被送去接受法医检查。 The remains have been sent for forensic examination as the investigation continues.