在蒙特利尔的住宅入侵中受伤的男子;嫌疑人偷窃钱财、汽车,可能以另一人为目标。 Man injured in Montreal home invasion; suspects stole money, car, possibly targeting another person.
大约凌晨12时45分,在蒙特利尔南海岸St-Hubert的一次家庭入侵中,一名50多岁的男子被手枪打伤。 三名嫌犯闯入并偷窃钱财和受害人的车辆,然后逃跑。 A man in his 50s was injured by a handgun during a home invasion in St-Hubert, Montreal's South Shore, around 12:45 a.m. Three suspects broke in and stole money and the victim's vehicle before fleeing. 受害人没有住院,一位50多岁的妇女和一位在场的孩子没有受伤。 The victim was not hospitalized, and a woman in her 50s and a child present were unharmed. 车辆后来被找到,表明疑犯可能是针对另一人。 The vehicle was later recovered, suggesting the suspects may have been targeting another individual.