一名18岁的摩托车手在警察对峙后撞车,使他处于危急状态。 An 18-year-old motorcyclist crashes after a police confrontation, leaving him in critical condition.
一名18岁的摩托车手在与警察对峙后撞上一辆停在澳大利亚West Tamworth的汽车,身处危急状态。 An 18-year-old motorcyclist is in critical condition after crashing into a parked car in West Tamworth, Australia, following a confrontation with police. 事件发生在2025年1月3日凌晨4点左右,当时警察试图逮捕反抗的摩托车手,结果使用了胡椒喷雾剂。 The incident occurred around 4 AM on January 3, 2025, when police attempted to arrest the motorcyclist who resisted, leading to the use of pepper spray. 骑手在躲避军官后坠毁 The rider crashed after evading officers. 他被空运到John Hunter医院。 He was airlifted to John Hunter Hospital. 目前正在对重大事件进行调查,以进行独立审查。 A critical incident investigation is underway, to be independently reviewed. 地区交通受影响, 犯罪制止处正在寻求信息. Traffic in the area is affected, and Crime Stoppers is seeking information.