18 岁的摩托车手 Mohammad Khairul Basahri 在马六甲的一次反赛车行动中与一辆警车相撞后死亡。 18-year-old motorcyclist Mohammad Khairul Basahri died after colliding with a police vehicle during an anti-racing operation in Melaka.
据报道,18 岁的摩托车手 Mohammad Khairul Basahri 在马六甲打击非法赛车的行动中与一辆警察巡逻车相撞后在重症监护室死亡。 18-year-old motorcyclist, Mohammad Khairul Basahri, died in ICU after reportedly colliding with a police patrol vehicle during an operation against illegal racing in Melaka. 这辆来自榴莲通加警局的警车正在处理公众对该地区噪音干扰和非法赛车的投诉。 The police vehicle from Durian Tunggal station was responding to public complaints about noise disturbances and illegal racing in the area. 当警车鸣着警笛、打开警灯抵达现场时,摩托车手试图逃跑。 The motorcyclist attempted to flee when the police vehicle arrived on the scene with sirens and lights turned on.