5 月 24 日:新南威尔士州巴瑟斯特的米切尔高速公路与布拉德沃丁路交叉口发生一起汽车与摩托车相撞的事故,事故造成一名 20 多岁的男子受伤。 24 May: A car-motorcycle collision occurred at Mitchell Highway and Bradwardine Road intersection in Bathurst, NSW, involving a man in his 20s.
5 月 24 日:新南威尔士州巴瑟斯特的米切尔高速公路与布拉德沃丁路交叉口发生一起汽车与摩托车相撞的事故。 24 May: A car-motorcycle collision occurred at the Mitchell Highway and Bradwardine Road intersection in Bathurst, NSW. 医护人员对一名 20 多岁的男子进行了检查,据信该男子是摩托车手,医护人员表示,他意识清醒,可以说话。 A man in his 20s, believed to be the motorcyclist, was assessed by paramedics, who reported him conscious and talking. 下午 3 点 45 分,紧急服务部门接到报告,称出现了交通拥堵。 Emergency services were called at 3:45 pm, and traffic delays were reported. 新南威尔士州消防救援队最初接到了报警,但随后撤离了现场。 Fire and Rescue NSW were initially called but have since departed.