由于国家安全风险,美国企图限制或禁止中国和俄罗斯的无人机。 US seeks to restrict or ban Chinese and Russian drones due to national security risks.
美国商务部正在考虑以国家安全风险为由,制定限制或禁止来自中国和俄罗斯的无人机的新规则。 The US Commerce Department is considering new rules to restrict or ban drones from China and Russia, citing national security risks. 工业和安全局在3月4日前就外国对手获取和操纵无人机数据的潜在风险征求公众评论。 The Bureau of Industry and Security seeks public comments by March 4 on the potential risks of foreign adversaries accessing and manipulating drone data. 这一举动是继对中国无人机制造者DJI的市场支配地位及其对美国数据安全的潜在威胁表示关切之后发生的。 This move follows concerns over Chinese drone maker DJI's market dominance and its potential threat to US data security. 该提案旨在保障供应链的安全并保护敏感信息。 The proposal aims to secure the supply chain and protect sensitive information.