美国面临日益严重的无人机威胁,缺乏统一的应对战略,以及新奥尔良后发生的事件。 U.S. faces growing drone threats, lacking a unified response strategy, post-New Orleans incident.
无人机对美国构成日益严重的威胁,最近的目击显示政府缺乏协调反应。 Drones pose a growing threat to the U.S., with recent sightings revealing a lack of coordinated government response. 美国需要统一的战略,改进探测系统和更好的雷达跟踪。 The U.S. needs a unified strategy, improved detection systems, and better radar tracking. 执法,如棕榈滩郡警长Ric Bradshaw, 正在强化防御力量, 防范潜在的无人机攻击, 特别是在新奥尔良恐怖事件发生后。 Law enforcement, like Palm Beach County's Sheriff Ric Bradshaw, is enhancing defenses against potential drone attacks, especially after the New Orleans terror incident. 麻省理工学院报告突出强调了容易获取无人驾驶飞机等挑战,并建议建立公私伙伴关系和更好地分配资源,以提高对空气域的认识和打击无人驾驶飞机的威胁。 The MITRE report highlights challenges such as easy acquisition of drones and suggests public-private partnerships and better resource allocation to improve air domain awareness and counter drone threats.