美国考虑禁止中国制造的无人机, US considers banning Chinese-made drones over national security concerns, sparking industry争议.
美国立法者正在考虑禁止来自中国制造商DJI和Autel的无人机, US lawmakers are considering banning drones from Chinese manufacturers DJI and Autel, citing national security risks and competition concerns. 最近国防法案允许禁止这些无人驾驶飞机构成“不可接受的”风险。 The recent defense bill allows for a ban if these drones are deemed to pose an "unacceptable" risk. DJI被警察、农民和电影制片人广泛使用,否认与中国军方有联系的指控,正在起诉五角大楼。 DJI, widely used by police, farmers, and filmmakers, denies accusations of links to the Chinese military and is suing the Pentagon. 批评者认为,这项禁令可能会破坏基本行动,削弱美国无人机工业。 Critics argue that the ban could disrupt essential operations and weaken the US drone industry.