联合航空公司UA16号航班在闪电袭击后返回纽瓦克, United Airlines Flight UA16 returned to Newark after a lightning strike, delaying passengers' New Year’s Eve travel.
联合航空公司UA16号航班从纽瓦克飞往伦敦,在缅因州海岸外飞行一小时后被闪电击中后,不得不返回纽瓦克。 United Airlines Flight UA16, traveling from Newark to London, had to return to Newark after a lightning strike an hour into its flight off the coast of Maine. 乘客在波士顿而不是伦敦度过新年夜, 飞机最终迟到22小时。 Passengers spent New Year’s Eve in Boston instead of London, with the flight eventually arriving 22 hours late. 美国联邦航空局(FAA)证实了这次袭击,虽然客机每年大约面临一两次雷击,但商用喷气式飞机的设计有保护装置,以保护乘客和电子设备。 The FAA confirmed the strike, and while airliners face lightning strikes about once or twice a year, commercial jets are designed with protections to shield passengers and electronics.