飞往匹兹堡的美国航空公司航班 在可能发生闪电袭击后 安全降落 American Airlines flight diverted to Pittsburgh after possible lightning strike, landed safely.
美国航空公司一架从哥伦布飞往波士顿的航班于星期二上午飞往匹兹堡国际机场,原因是在起飞后不久可能发生闪电袭击。 An American Airlines flight from Columbus to Boston was diverted to Pittsburgh International Airport on Tuesday morning due to a possible lightning strike shortly after takeoff. Emberaer 175区域喷气式飞机于上午8时左右安全降落,乘出租车前往大门,乘客被转移到另一架飞机,继续飞往波士顿。 The Embraer 175 regional jet landed safely around 8 a.m., taxied to the gate, and passengers were transferred to another plane to continue to Boston. 没有报告发生任何事件,所有74名乘客和机组人员均安全降落。 No incidents were reported and all 74 passengers and crew landed safely.