共和党的目标是利用预算调和来推进第119届国会的税收和移民议程。 Republicans aim to use budget reconciliation to advance their agenda on taxes and immigration in the 119th Congress.
第119届国会的共和党人计划利用预算调节来推动其立法议程,包括移民和税务改革,尽管两院内部存在分歧,而且多数人人数很少。 Republicans in the 119th Congress plan to use budget reconciliation to push their legislative agenda, including immigration and tax reforms, despite facing internal disagreements and slim majorities in both chambers. 和解进程允许他们绕过参议院60票门槛,但仅限于与预算有关的立法。 The reconciliation process allows them to bypass the 60-vote Senate threshold but is limited to budget-related legislation. 关键优先事项包括延长2017年的减税和解决能源问题,尽管一些共和党人对取消绿色税收抵免等某些提案十分警惕。 Key priorities include extending the 2017 tax cuts and addressing energy issues, though some Republicans are wary of certain proposals like repealing green tax credits.