Trump与参议院共和党会晤,讨论其议程,包括一揽子预算和解办法。 Trump meets Senate Republicans to discuss his agenda, including the approach to budget reconciliation packages.
当选总统特朗普定于星期三与参议院共和党人会晤,讨论其议程,包括是否在一、二套预算协调一揽子方案中通过议程。 President-elect Trump is set to meet with Senate Republicans on Wednesday to discuss his agenda, including whether to pass it in one or two budget reconciliation packages. 会议将使参议员们能够亲自会晤特朗普,讨论边境安全、化石燃料扩张和减税等关键问题。 The meeting will allow senators to meet Trump in person and discuss key issues like border security, fossil fuel expansion, and tax cuts. 众议院共和党人更喜欢单一的一揽子方案,以避免通过两项法案的复杂性。 House Republicans prefer a single package to avoid the complexity of passing two bills.