共和党人控制政府各部门, 制定改革税收、移民、医疗及其他措施的计划。 Republicans, controlling all branches of government, outline plans to reform taxes, immigration, healthcare, and more.
现在控制白宫、参议院和众议院的共和党人计划处理七个关键领域,包括税务改革、移民、保健和气候变化。 Republicans, now in control of the White House, Senate, and House, plan to tackle seven key areas including tax reform, immigration, healthcare, and climate change. 它们利用预算和解进程,力求改革税收制度,有可能增加赤字。 Using the budget reconciliation process, they aim to reform taxes, potentially increasing the deficit. 就移民和边境安全而言,由于参议院的规则,他们可能需要两党支持。 For immigration and border security, they may require bipartisan support due to Senate rules. 在党内达成共识至关重要,因为党的多数在两院中都很狭隘。 Achieving consensus within the party will be crucial, as their majority is narrow in both chambers.