奥地利允许极右领导人组建政府,这是二战以来的首次。 Austria grants permission for a far-right leader to form a government, a first since WWII.
奥地利自由党领袖已获准成立政府, The leader of Austria's Freedom Party has been granted permission to form a government, potentially marking the first far-right leadership in the country since World War II. 这种政治转变可能意味着奥地利的治理发生重大变化,并反映最近的政治谈判。 This political shift could signify a significant change in Austria's governance and reflects recent political negotiations. 如果成功的话,对奥地利来说,这将是一个历史性的时刻,因为极右派已经70多年没有领导这个国家了。 If successful, it would be a historic moment for Austria, as the far-right hasn't led the country in over 70 years.