奥地利总理卡尔·内哈默 (Karl Nehammer) 在联合执政谈判失败后辞职,这可能导致新的选举。 Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer resigns after coalition talks fail, possibly leading to new elections.
奥地利总理卡尔·内哈默 (Karl Nehammer) 在自由派新党退出后未能与社会民主党组建联合政府后辞职。 Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer has resigned after failing to form a coalition government with the Social Democrats, following the withdrawal of the liberal Neos party. 由于在经济政策和解决该国预算赤字方面的分歧,谈判破裂。 The talks collapsed due to disagreements over economic policies and addressing the country's budget deficit. 由于未能达成协议,奥地利可能面临新一轮选举,因为赢得上次选举的极右翼自由党仍然是一支关键的政治力量。 With no agreement reached, Austria faces a potential new election, as the far-right Freedom Party, which won the last election, remains a key political force.