夏威夷报告与旅行有关的登革热病例;卫生部门加强蚊虫控制。 Hawaii reports travel-related dengue cases; health department steps up mosquito control.
2024年,夏威夷报告了16起与旅行有关的登革热病例,最近一次发生在Oahu。 In 2024, Hawaii reported 16 travel-related dengue cases, with the latest on Oahu. 夏威夷卫生部部署了蚊虫控制队。 The Hawaii Department of Health has deployed teams for mosquito control. 登革热不是在夏威夷建立的,而是在通常发生登革热的国家中暴露于登革热的旅客中发现的。 Dengue is not established in Hawaii but seen in travelers exposed in countries where it is common. 症状包括发烧、恶心、皮疹和身体痛,长达一周。 Symptoms include fever, nausea, rash, and body aches, lasting up to a week. 如果在旅行两周内出现症状,卫生官员就建议预防措施和医疗评价。 Health officials advise preventive measures and medical evaluation if symptoms appear within two weeks of travel.