12月,德国失业率略有上升,这与预期更大增长的预期背道而驰。 German unemployment rose slightly in December, defying expectations of a larger increase.
12月,德国失业率上升10 000人,达到287万,低于15 000名分析家预测的增长幅度。 German unemployment rose by 10,000 in December, reaching 2.87 million, less than the 15,000 increase analysts had predicted. 失业率保持在6.1%,与预期上升为6.2%。 The unemployment rate stayed at 6.1%, contrary to expectations of a rise to 6.2%. 尽管如此,劳动力市场仍面临挑战,包括职位空缺减少和经济持续下滑。 Despite this, the labor market faces challenges, including a decline in job openings and an ongoing economic downturn. 据联邦就业局主席Andrea Nahles说,冬季假期失业增加是典型现象。 The increase in unemployment is typical for the winter holiday season, according to the Federal Employment Agency's chairwoman, Andrea Nahles.