瑞士的失业率从2024年的平均2.4%升至12月的2.6%。 Switzerland's unemployment rate rose to 2.6% in December, up from an average of 2.4% in 2024.
瑞士的失业率在2024年12月维持在2.6%,尽管未调整的失业率略微上升至2.8%。 Switzerland's unemployment rate stayed at 2.6% in December 2024, though the unadjusted rate rose slightly to 2.8%. 尽管失业人数略有增加,但总体失业率高于上一年,2024年平均为2.4%,而2023年平均为2.0%。 Despite a small increase in the number of unemployed, the overall rate was higher than the previous year, averaging 2.4% in 2024 compared to 2.0% in 2023. 青年失业率也增至2.3%。 Youth unemployment also increased to 2.3%. 失业人员总数比前一年增加了19 027人。 The total number of jobless individuals rose by 19,027 from the year before.