在Newtownards发现的83岁的WW2炸弹导致400所房屋的疏散;军队和警察进行的有控制的爆炸。 83-year-old WW2 bomb discovered in Newtownards leads to evacuation of 400 homes; controlled explosion conducted by army and police.
在Co DownNewtownards的一处建筑工地发现83岁的WW2炸弹,导致400多所房屋撤离。 83-year-old WW2 bomb was discovered at a building site in Newtownards, Co Down, leading to the evacuation of over 400 homes. 当局选择对装置进行控制爆炸,而不是将装置从现场移走。 Authorities opted for a controlled explosion of the device, rather than removing it from the site. 这项决定是在就炸弹是否应由北爱尔兰警察局在现场拆除或处理进行彻底讨论之后作出的。 The decision was made after thorough discussions about whether the bomb should be removed or dealt with on site by the Police Service of Northern Ireland. 由陆军321爆炸物处理和搜查中队和警察部门成员组成的处置小组进行了控制爆炸,当地居民在星期二晚间获准返回家园。 The controlled explosion was conducted by a disposal team comprised of members from the Army's 321 EOD & Search squadron and the police service, and local residents were allowed to return to their homes later on Tuesday evening.