联合王国将颁布新法律,包括旅行禁令和通信限制,以打击人口走私者。 UK to introduce new laws, including travel bans and communication restrictions, to combat people smugglers.
联合王国政府计划颁布新的法律,打击人口走私者,包括禁止旅行和限制嫌疑人使用电话和社交媒体。 The UK government plans to introduce new laws to combat people smugglers, including travel bans and restrictions on phone and social media use for suspects. 这些“临时”严重犯罪预防命令允许在未经法院充分定罪的情况下立即实行限制,违反命令者可被判处5年以下监禁。 These "interim" Serious Crime Prevention Orders (SCPOs) allow immediate restrictions without a full court conviction, with breaches leading to up to five years in prison. 这些措施旨在加强边境安全和捣毁有组织犯罪网络,因为2024年跨越海峡的移民人数增加了25%。 The measures aim to strengthen border security and disrupt organized crime networks, following a 25% increase in migrants crossing the Channel in 2024.