警方调查西墨尔本公寓楼的枪击事件;两名嫌疑人被通缉。 Police investigate shooting at West Melbourne apartment complex; two suspects sought.
西墨尔本警方正在调查 周四凌晨1点15分 在墨尔本公寓保留区发生的枪击事件 Police in West Melbourne are investigating a shooting that occurred around 1:15 am Thursday at the Reserves of Melbourne apartment complex. 发现一个人身上有无生命威胁的伤痕。 A person was found with non-life-threatening injuries. 当局认为这次袭击涉及两名蒙面嫌疑人,并要求居民检查午夜至凌晨1时30分的安全录像,以获取任何相关信息。 Authorities believe the attack involved two masked suspects and is asking residents to check security footage from midnight to 1:30 am for any relevant information.