西棕榈滩警方调查了在食品城市场外发生的非致命目标枪击事件。 West Palm Beach police investigate a non-fatal targeted shooting outside a Food Town market.
西棕榈滩警方正在调查周五晚上在 South Wind 购物广场的 Food Town 市场外发生的一起有针对性的枪击事件。 West Palm Beach police are investigating a targeted shooting that occurred outside a Food Town market at South Wind Shopping Plaza on Friday night. 两人受到无生命威胁的伤害。 Two individuals sustained non-life-threatening injuries. 当局正在积极寻找嫌疑人,强调公众没有不断受到威胁。 Authorities are actively searching for the suspect, emphasizing that there is no ongoing threat to the public. 现场视频显示,一辆带有弹孔的银色轿车,但尚未逮捕任何人。 A video from the scene showed a silver sedan with a bullet hole, but no arrests have been made yet.