2024年,Mackay和Whitsunday法院审理了许多性犯罪和罪行,包括两起指称的杀人案件。 In 2024, Mackay and Whitsunday courts saw numerous sexual offenses and crimes, including two alleged homicides.
2024年,Mackay和Whitsunday法院审理了12名性犯罪者,包括对儿童进行性剥削的父母,以及31名被控犯有诸如毒品犯罪和攻击等严重罪行的父母。 In 2024, Mackay and Whitsunday courts saw 12 sexual offenders, including parents who sexually exploited their children, and 31 parents charged with serious crimes like drug offenses and assault. 一个喝醉的爸爸在圣诞节早上引发了暴力场景 麦凯警探正在调查两起涉嫌杀人案 A drunk father caused a violent scene on Christmas morning, and Mackay detectives are investigating two alleged homicides. 4家北昆士兰州企业在圣诞节前夕被破门而入,2名青少年在前25起犯罪中被一辆偷来的汽车抓获。 Four North Queensland businesses were broken into on Christmas Eve, and two juveniles with 25 previous offenses were caught in a stolen car.