两人因伊拉瓦拉湖历史上的儿童性侵犯而面临指控。 Two Face Charges for Historical Child Sexual Assaults at Lake Illawarra.
两名 53 岁和 46 岁的男子因历史性的儿童性侵犯罪行在伊拉瓦拉被捕;在 2004 年对一名少女实施性侵犯的指控之后,调查于 2022 年 10 月开始。 53 and 46-year-old men arrested in Illawarra for historical child sexual assault offences; investigations began in October 2022 after allegations of teenage girl's assault in 2004. 警方在搜查中发现毒品、武器和现金,指控包括严重性交、未经同意的性交以及与毒品有关的犯罪。 Police found drugs, weapons, and cash during searches, with charges including aggravated sexual intercourse, sexual intercourse without consent, and drug-related offenses. 两人均被拒绝保释,将在卧龙岗地方法院出庭。 Both men denied bail, set to appear in Wollongong Local Court.