28岁的男子假扮青少年,培养少女,强奸另一人,监禁一年。 28-year-old man impersonated teenager, groomed teenage girl, raped another, jailed for a year.
昆士兰州一家正在清算的住宅建筑公司欠员工300美元,而该市的汽车盗窃案上升了270%。 A Queensland home building company in liquidation owes $300k to staff, while car thefts in the city have risen by 270%. 一名28岁的男子冒充一名青少年,为一名少女做新郎,强奸另一名少女,已被监禁一年。 A 28-year-old man, who impersonated a teenager to groom a teenage girl and rape another, has been jailed for a year. 在一名男子在警方追捕中失踪后,正在对河流进行大规模的多机构搜索。 A major multi-agency river search is underway after a man was reported missing amid a police chase. 在犯罪新闻中,有300多人被捕,在宽贝和伯内特地区警察行动期间缴获了多种毒品、武器和现金。 In crime news, 300+ people have been arrested and multiple drugs, weapons, and cash seized during a police operation in the Wide Bay and Burnett regions.