小偷在圣诞节前夕从一个英国家庭的家中偷走了两辆车、礼物和手提包。 Thieves stole two cars, presents, and a handbag from a UK family’s home on Christmas Eve.
12 月 15 日,英国利瑟兰的一个家庭被小偷闯入家中,偷走了两辆汽车、一个手提包和一些礼物,包括玩具、衣服和威士忌,他们的圣诞节被毁了。 A family in Litherland, UK, had their Christmas ruined when thieves broke into their home on December 15, stealing two cars, a handbag, and several presents including toys, clothes, and whiskey. 闯入者从后门进入,家人在醒来后发现了盗窃案。 The intruders entered through the back door, and the family discovered the theft upon waking. Merseyside警察正在调查, 家人现在计划安装闭路电视并更换所有锁。 Merseyside Police are investigating, and the family is now planning to install CCTV and replace all locks.