爱尔兰流动保健单位进行了6 000次免费心脏检查,建议许多人去看医生。 Irish mobile health unit conducted 6,000 free heart checks, advising many to see a doctor.
2024年,爱尔兰心脏基金会的流动保健单位进行了6 000次免费心脏健康检查,近四分之一的参与者建议看一次全科医生。 In 2024, the Irish Heart Foundation's mobile health unit conducted 6,000 free heart health checks, with nearly a quarter of attendees advised to see a GP. 一项研究发现,22.1%的受访者有高血压,近一半的受访者改变了生活方式,如改善饮食或更加活跃。 A study found that 22.1% had high blood pressure, and nearly half of respondents made lifestyle changes, such as improving diet or becoming more active. 该流动单位提供血压检查和生活方式评估,依靠公众和公司捐赠。 The mobile unit, which offers blood pressure checks and lifestyle assessments, relies on public and corporate donations.