50%的爱尔兰妇女无法识别心脏病和中风症状, 尽管死亡风险较高, 50% of Irish women cannot identify heart disease and stroke symptoms, despite a higher death risk, prompting a "Her Heart Matters" campaign for awareness and proactive health checks.
爱尔兰心脏基金会最近的一项研究显示,只有50%的妇女能够识别心脏病和中风症状,尽管死于这些疾病的可能性是乳腺癌的六倍。 A recent Irish Heart Foundation study revealed that only 50% of women can identify heart disease and stroke symptoms, despite being six times more likely to die from these conditions than from breast cancer. “Her Heart Matters”活动旨在提高认识并鼓励主动进行健康检查,因为 28% 的女性从未接受过健康检查。 The "Her Heart Matters" campaign aims to raise awareness and encourage proactive health checks, as 28% of women have never had one. 在卫生部的支持下,该运动强调改变生活方式,以防止高达80%的过早心血管疾病。 Supported by the Department of Health, the campaign emphasizes lifestyle changes to prevent up to 80% of premature cardiovascular issues.