Heineken 0.0 发起运动,减少选择非酒精饮料的耻辱感。 Heineken® 0.0 launches campaign to reduce stigma around choosing non-alcoholic drinks.
Heineken 0.0 新的“0.0 需要的理由”运动挑战非酒精饮料带来的社会污名。 Heineken® 0.0's new '0.0 Reasons Needed' campaign challenges social stigmas around non-alcoholic drinks. 牛津大学的一项研究发现,21%的Gen Z人感到压力要隐瞒自己选择的非酒精饮料。 A University of Oxford study found that 21% of Gen Z felt pressure to hide their choice of non-alcoholic beverages. 尽管如此,50%的参与者认为现在选择低酒精饮料或无酒精饮料比五年前更容易被接受, Despite this, 50% of participants believe it's more acceptable to choose low or no-alcohol drinks now compared to five years ago, showing a shift towards more mindful drinking habits.