Dora山的爆炸造成1人受伤,损坏仅限于一所住宅;原因正在调查中。 Explosion in Mount Dora injures one, damage limited to one home; cause under investigation.
新年前夕佛罗里达州多拉山的一次家庭爆炸造成一名男子受伤,他被空运至奥兰多地区医疗中心。 A home explosion in Mount Dora, Florida, on New Year's Eve injured one man who was airlifted to Orlando Regional Medical Center. 紧急服务机构大约在晚上10时左右对事件作出反应,对一个家庭造成损坏。 Emergency services responded around 10 p.m. to the incident, which caused damage to a single home. 爆炸原因正由当地消防局和紧急救援处进行调查。 The cause of the explosion is under investigation by local fire departments and EMS. 据报有目击者闻到煤气,当局正在检查该地区的丙烷罐。 Witnesses reported smelling gas, and authorities are inspecting propane tanks in the area.