一家Haymarket, Virginia 住宅在承包商的煤气泄漏后爆炸;没有人受伤,但宠物可能已经死亡。 A Haymarket, Virginia house exploded after a gas leak from a contractor hitting a line; no injuries, but pets may have died.
弗吉尼亚州Haymarket的一栋房屋在据报发生煤气泄漏后爆炸, A house in Haymarket, Virginia, exploded after a reported gas leak, with the incident linked to an underground contractor striking a gas line. 在爆炸发生之前,消防员在他们抵达后不久就撤离了家。 Firefighters had evacuated the home before the explosion, which occurred shortly after their arrival. 据报没有人受伤,但据信一些宠物已经死亡。 No injuries were reported, but some pets are believed to have died. 爆炸摧毁了房屋,损坏了附近车辆。 The explosion destroyed the house and damaged nearby vehicles. 当局正在保护该地区,附近八户人家的煤气服务将中断。 Authorities are securing the area, and gas service will be disrupted for eight nearby homes.