加利福尼亚州将大麻咖啡馆合法化,允许在当地监管下食用食品和饮料。 California legalizes cannabis cafes, allowing consumption with food and drinks, under local oversight.
加利福尼亚州已将大麻咖啡馆合法化,允许有执照的零售商在允许吸食大麻的地方提供食品、饮料和现场音乐。 California has legalized cannabis cafes, allowing licensed retailers to serve food, drinks, and host live music where cannabis consumption is allowed. 自1月1日起生效的新法律旨在为使用大麻创造社会空间和促进当地经济。 The new law, effective January 1, aims to create social spaces for cannabis use and boost the local economy. 然而,地方当局将决定这些咖啡馆是否可以在其所在地区开业。 However, local authorities will decide if these cafes can open in their areas. 有关二手烟的健康问题已通过通风系统准则加以解决。 Health concerns about secondhand smoke have been addressed with guidelines for ventilation systems.