42 种加州合法大麻产品的农药检测结果超出标准。 42 Californian legal cannabis products tested above pesticide limits.
加州的 42 种合法大麻产品(包括流行的电子烟和预卷大麻)被发现含有危险的农药含量,超过了该州允许的限量或联邦烟草标准。 42 legal cannabis products in California, including popular vapes and pre-rolled weed, were found to contain dangerous pesticide levels above state-allowed limits or federal standards for tobacco. 《纽约时报》和《WeedWeek》的调查涉及购买产品、拆除包装以及使用两个有执照的大麻检测实验室来检测扩大的农药清单。 The investigation by The Times and WeedWeek involved purchasing products, removing packaging, and using two licensed cannabis testing labs to test for expanded lists of pesticides. 政府并未对农药含量或私人农药测试的准确性进行独立检查。 The state performs no independent checks on pesticide levels or the accuracy of private pesticide tests.