一名14岁的男孩在鹿特丹死亡,当时他试图在新年前夕点燃一场非法的烟火。 A 14-year-old boy died in Rotterdam after attempting to relight an illegal firework on New Year's Eve.
一名14岁的男孩在荷兰鹿特丹被新年前夕的烟花炸伤后死亡。 A 14-year-old boy died in Rotterdam, Netherlands, after being injured by a firework on New Year's Eve. 事件发生时,他试图点燃一个被称为“眼镜蛇”的非法烟花。 The incident occurred when he attempted to relight an illegal firework known as a "Cobra." 鹿特丹市长呼吁在全国范围内禁止消费烟花。 Rotterdam's Mayor called for a nationwide ban on consumer fireworks. 警方正在调查这次事故的起因,这次事故是在当地的一次活动上发生的,与正式的全国烟花表演无关。 The police are investigating the cause of the accident, which took place at a local event, separate from the official National Fireworks Show. 这场悲剧发生在全国广泛庆祝除夕夜和与烟火有关的伤害中。 The tragedy occurred amidst widespread New Year's Eve celebrations and fireworks-related injuries across the country.