由于青年的烟火袭击,北爱尔兰12岁儿童住院;调查仍在进行中。 12-year-old hospitalized in Northern Ireland due to firework assault by youths; investigation ongoing.
一名12岁的男孩在一群青年投掷的烟火中眼睛严重受伤,随后在北爱尔兰Dunmurry住院。 A 12-year-old boy was hospitalized in Dunmurry, Northern Ireland, after sustaining serious eye injuries from a firework thrown by a group of youths. 北爱尔兰警署将这起事件贴上「无情攻击」标签, The Police Service of Northern Ireland labeled the incident a "reckless assault" and is investigating. 当局强调与儿童讨论消防安全的重要性,特别是在万圣节临近时,并着重指出,无照使用烟花是非法的,可能罚款高达5 000英镑。 Authorities emphasize the importance of discussing firework safety with children, especially as Halloween approaches, and highlight that using fireworks without a license is illegal, with potential fines up to £5,000.