Solong's Julefest以圣诞树烧焦结束, 圣巴巴拉郡消防局的消防安全演示。 Solvang's Julefest ended with a Christmas Tree Burn, a fire safety demo by the Santa Barbara County Fire Department.
Solong的Julefest于1月3日以一年一度的圣诞树烧烤活动结束, 这是圣巴巴拉县消防局组织的一场大型消防安全示威。 Solvang's Julefest concluded on January 3 with the annual Christmas Tree Burn event, a large fire safety demonstration organized by the Santa Barbara County Fire Department. 下午5时至7时在Santa Inés考察团旁边举行,活动内容包括免费娱乐和购物饮料。 Held from 5-7 p.m. next to Mission Santa Inés, the event included free entertainment and refreshments for purchase. 活动前,鼓励居民放弃圣诞树。 Residents were encouraged to drop off their Christmas trees prior to the event.