加州中央海岸举行节日庆典, 庆祝Hanukkah节庆和除夕节。 California's Central Coast kicks off holiday festivities with Hanukkah events and New Year's Eve celebrations.
加利福尼亚中央海岸正在主办各种节日活动,包括Hanukkah庆祝活动和除夕节庆。 The Central Coast of California is hosting a variety of holiday events, including Hanukkah celebrations and New Year's Eve festivities. 重点活动包括圣路易斯奥比斯波至1月5日的日报《门诺拉灯光》、12月29日在圣巴巴拉(Santa Barbara)的Chanukah庆祝活动及音乐与食物, 以及1月12日开始的圣芭芭拉动物园(Santa Barbara Zoo)的“下班后”系列灯具展。 Highlights include daily Menorah lightings in San Luis Obispo through January 5th, a Chanukah celebration in Santa Barbara with music and food on December 29th, and the Santa Barbara Zoo's 'After Hours' series with a lantern display starting January 12th. 新年夜活动包括老奥卡特街区派对和帕索罗布尔斯音乐会,支持当地消防员和警察. New Year's Eve events feature the Old Orcutt block party and the Paso Robles concert, supporting local firefighters and police. 这些活动提供多种文化、音乐和家庭友好活动。 These events offer a mix of cultural, musical, and family-friendly activities.