Sylvan湖冬季村的破坏行为破坏了11套圣诞灯,威胁到该镇的节假日开关。 Vandalism at Sylvan Lake's winter village has damaged over 11 sets of Christmas lights, threatening the town's holiday kickoff.
艾伯塔省冬季村庄Sylvan湖的破坏活动破坏了11套圣诞树灯,有可能推迟12月7日该镇节日的开工时间。 Vandalism at Sylvan Lake, Alberta's winter village has damaged over 11 sets of Christmas tree lights, potentially delaying the town's holiday season kickoff on December 7th. 随着每次破坏行为,该镇将面临更高的重置成本,使主要依靠捐款的展品预算紧张。 With each act of vandalism, the town faces higher replacement costs, straining the display's budget which relies mainly on donations. 冬季村庄以超过30万个灯光闻名,自2017年以来一直是当地吸引人的景点。 The winter village, known for its over 300,000 lights, has been a local attraction since 2017.