火灾威胁到阿尔塔迪纳的房屋和标志性圣诞树大道,迫使人们撤离。 Fire threatens homes and iconic Christmas Tree Lane in Altadena, forcing evacuations.
伊顿峡谷地区的火灾危及了阿尔塔迪纳圣诞树道一带的房屋和标志性树木, A fire in the Eaton Canyon area has endangered homes and iconic trees along Altadena's Christmas Tree Lane, a beloved local holiday attraction. 1月7日开始的火势迫使人们撤离, 并引起对历史光线的破坏的担忧。 The blaze, which began on January 7, has forced evacuations and raised concerns about damage to the historic light display. 迄今为止,没有关于房屋遭受重大损坏的报告,但当局正在努力遏制火灾。 So far, no significant damage to homes has been reported, but authorities are working to contain the fire.