全球新年的庆祝活动因时区而异,从奥克兰到伦敦标志着2025年的开始。 Global New Year's celebrations varied by time zone, marking 2025's start from Auckland to London.
世界各国以各种节日庆祝了2025年的开始,但由于时区的原因,新西兰、日本和中国等一些国家欢迎新年比尼日利亚早了一年。 Countries around the world celebrated the start of 2025 with various festivities, but due to time zones, some like New Zealand, Japan, and China welcomed the new year hours before Nigeria. 在孟加拉国,庆祝活动是在政治动荡和总理谢赫·哈西娜辞职的一年之后举行的。 In Bangladesh, celebrations followed a year marked by political upheaval and the resignation of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. 阿联酋盛大庆典,而俄罗斯和联合王国等其他国家则将由于其时区而晚些时段迎来新年。 The UAE celebrated grandly, while other nations like Russia and the UK will see the New Year later due to their time zones.