西澳大利亚州看到有关采矿资产、逃税和干细胞专利的法律争斗。 Western Australia sees legal battles over mining assets, tax evasion, and stem cell patents.
2024年,西澳大利亚州发生了几起引人注目的法庭案件。 In 2024, Western Australia saw several high-profile court cases. Gina Rinehart的年长子女在争夺母亲采矿资产所有权的法律斗争中失去了对最高机密文件的投标。 Gina Rinehart's eldest children lost a bid for top-secret documents in their legal battle over ownership of their mother's mining assets. 矿产资源公司的老板Chris Ellison 面临逃税指控并下台。 Chris Ellison, boss of Mineral Resources, faced tax evasion allegations and stepped down. Marian Sturm博士与东都会卫生局就干细胞治疗知识产权问题解决了为期三年的纠纷。 Dr. Marian Sturm settled a three-year dispute with the East Metropolitan Health Service over stem cell treatment intellectual property rights.