安大略法官驳回了Selena Stronach关于就家庭企业性骚扰指控下达法院命令的动议。 Ontario judge dismisses Selena Stronach's motion for a court order regarding sexual harassment allegations at the family business.
安大略法官驳回了亿万富翁Frank Stronach的孙女Selena Stronach提出的动议,要求获得法院命令,处理家庭企业因据称Stronach的性骚扰而提出的人力资源申诉。 Ontario judge dismisses motion by billionaire Frank Stronach's granddaughter Selena Stronach to obtain court order for human-resource complaints at the family business related to alleged sexual harassment by Stronach. Peter Osborne法官裁定,该动议是“最好的推测”,因为没有证据表明文件存在。 Judge Peter Osborne ruled that the motion was "at its best, speculation," as there was no evidence that the documents existed. 赛琳娜·斯特罗纳赫(Selena Stronach)卷入了针对她的姑姑贝琳达·斯特罗纳赫(Belinda Stronach)和前首席执行官阿隆·奥西普(Alon Ossip)的诉讼,声称家族财富分配不均。 Selena Stronach is involved in a lawsuit against her aunt, Belinda Stronach, and former CEO Alon Ossip, claiming the family fortune was distributed unevenly.